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Certis Biologicals

Certis Biologicals Cueva

Certis Biologicals Cueva

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Certis Biologicals Cueva Liquid Copper Fungicide brings this age-old ingredient up to date with this patented flowable liquid formulation. Organic Cueva combines a soluble copper fertilizer with a fatty acid to create a true soap. The fatty acid basis of this formula works two ways: to help the active ingredient of copper get into the fungal or bacterial cells and by helping spread the material across plant surfaces. Once the copper itself is in the pathogenic cells, it will denature the cells and cause fatal cell leakage. As Cueva moves across the plants and into the cells, it helps protect the plants from potential or further damage by creating a hostile environment for infection or re-infection.

  • For this product to achieve optimal performance, it should be on the leaf or fruit before an infection occurs.
  • Controls diseases that go dormant and overwinter, like Peach Leaf Curl.
  • 4-hour REI (Restricted Entry Interval) and 0-day PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval)
  • Approved for use on Hemp in the state of Colorado.
  • OMRI listed under Crop Pest, Weed and Disease Control and NOP compliant.

Controls These Pests & Diseases: Alternaria Blight, Anthracnose, Ascochyta Leaf and Pod Spot, Bacterial Blast, Bacterial Cankers, Bacterial Speck, Bacterial Spots/Rots, Black Knot (on plums), Black Pitting, Black Pod, Blights, Blue Mold, Blotch, Botryosphaeria Panicle, Botrytis/Grey Mold, Brown Rot, Citrus Canker, Coffee Berry Disease, Downy Mildew, Fire Blight, Flyspeck, Fruit Spot, Jacket Rot, Leaf Smut, Leaf Spots, Olive Knot, Pink Disease, Peach Leaf Curl, Phomopsis, Rose Bloom, Rusts, Scab, Sigatoka (black and yellow), Sooty Mold, Stewart's Wilt, White Mold

Suggested Use: Intended for commercial use only to be applied to control fungal and bacterial diseases on a broad range of crops.